1. server端:
a.编译成Kernal Module,然后利用NetFilter建立挂钩函数,在挂钩函数里做包的处理工作。
2. Client端:通过对文件系统/proc的读写访问,与server端交互,进行防火墙规则的设定
1. Linux编译的问题
我下了几个版本的开源linux系统,包括redhat和ubuntu,几乎大部分版本都有一个问题:linux的内核版本和source的版本不一致。而我们的服务端模块要编译成内核模块,编译的时候可以成功,但是加载到内核的时候,会提示“insmod failed…”之类的问题。解决方法是更新linux内核。更新linux内核是个痛苦的事情,要确保你的source和内核的名字是一字不差。网上有很多编译内核的方法,基本都是复制+粘贴,无效。以下是我编译ubuntu的过程:
1. 去kernel.org下载与你编译程序时版本一下的source
2. 将该source解压到 /usr/src/ 目录
3. 在控制台依次执行以下命令,完成内核编译:
* cd /usr/src/Linux-X.X.XX
* make menuconfig
* make
* make modules
* make modules_install
* make install
* make bxImage
* grub-update2
* reboot
2. 从socket包里获得各属性的方法,随着linux内核版本的不一样而不一样。这时候你要学会从linux source中找出对应的头文件去查找
3. 文件系统读写。在做到过程中,我发现不是每个文件API都能成功读写/proc文件系统的。最后我索性使用了memcpy
[c] #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/netfilter.h> #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h> #include <linux/skbuff.h> #include <linux/tcp.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include "minifw_common.h" MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_entry; static struct nf_hook_ops nfho; unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk_buff* skb, const struct net_device* in, const struct net_device* out, int(*okfn)(struct sk_buff*)) { if (!skb) return NF_ACCEPT; //get skb value struct iphdr* pIph = (struct iphdr *)skb_network_header(skb); unsigned int srcIp = pIph->saddr; unsigned int desIp = pIph->daddr; unsigned int protocol = pIph->protocol; //struct tcphdr* pTcph=(struct tcphdr*)(sb->data+(sb->nh.iph->ihl*4));//old version struct tcphdr* pTcph = (struct tcphdr *)skb_transport_header(skb); unsigned int srcPort = pTcph->source; unsigned int desPort = pTcph->dest; printk("minifw: Received "); switch(protocol) { case P_UDP: printk("UDP");break; case P_TCP: printk("TCP");break; case P_ICMP: printk("ICMP");break; default: printk("Other");break; } printk(" packet from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d", srcIp&0x000000FF, (srcIp&0x0000FF00)>>8, (srcIp&0x00FF0000)>>16, (srcIp&0xFF000000)>>24, ((srcPort&0xFF00)>>8|(srcPort&0x00FF)<<8), desIp&0x000000FF, (desIp&0x0000FF00)>>8, (desIp&0x00FF0000)>>16, (desIp&0xFF000000)>>24, ((desPort&0xFF00)>>8|(desPort&0x00FF)<<8) ); //find skb value in policy or not int i = 0; for (; i/6 < sz_policies[MAX_ARR_COUNT - 1]; i+=6) { if ( sz_policies[i+5] == ACTION_BLOCK ) { if ( sz_policies[i+4] == protocol || sz_policies[i+4] == P_ALLP) { if ( ( (srcIp == sz_policies[i+0] || sz_policies[i+0] == 0) && (srcPort == sz_policies[i+1] || sz_policies[i+1] == 0) ) || ( (desIp == sz_policies[i+2] || sz_policies[i+2] == 0) && (desPort == sz_policies[i+3] || sz_policies[i+3] == 0) ) ) { printk(" - Action: BLOCK\n"); return NF_DROP; } } } } printk(" - Action: UNBLOCK\n"); return NF_ACCEPT; } ssize_t minifw_write( struct file *filp, const char __user *buff, unsigned long len, void *data ) { if (copy_from_user( sz_policies, buff, len )) { return -EFAULT; } printk("minifw: Write ok. Policy count:%d\n", sz_policies[MAX_ARR_COUNT-1]); return len; } int minifw_read( char *buff, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data ) { if (off > 0) { return 0; } memcpy(buff,sz_policies, sizeof(sz_policies)); printk("minifw: Read ok. Policy count:%d\n", sz_policies[MAX_ARR_COUNT-1]); return sizeof(sz_policies); } int minifw_init() { int ret = 0; proc_entry = create_proc_entry( "minifw", 0644, NULL ); if (proc_entry == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; printk(KERN_INFO "minifw: Couldn't create proc entry.\n"); } else { proc_entry->read_proc = minifw_read; proc_entry->write_proc = minifw_write; printk(KERN_INFO "minifw: Module loaded.\n"); nfho.hook=hook_func; nfho.hooknum=NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING; nfho.pf=PF_INET; nfho.priority=NF_IP_PRI_FIRST; nf_register_hook(&nfho); } printk("minifw: Loading of module successful.\n"); return ret; } void minifw_cleanup() { remove_proc_entry("fortune", NULL); nf_unregister_hook(&nfho); printk("minifw: Removal of module successful.\n"); return; } module_init( minifw_init ); module_exit( minifw_cleanup); [/c] 控制台: [c] #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include "minifw_common.h" void displayPolicy() { int i = 0; printf("Policy count: %d\n",policyCount); for (; i/6 < policyCount; i+=6) { printf("Policy %d: ",i/6+1); //action if (sz_policies[i+5] == ACTION_BLOCK) printf("Block "); else printf("Unblock "); //protocol switch(sz_policies[i+4]) { case P_UDP: printf("UDP");break; case P_TCP: printf("TCP");break; case P_ICMP: printf("ICMP");break; case P_ALLP: printf("ALL");break; default: printf("Unknown");break; } printf(" packets from "); //source ip if (sz_policies[i] == 0) printf("[all ip]"); else printf("%d.%d.%d.%d",sz_policies[i]&0x000000FF,(sz_policies[i]&0x0000FF00)>>8, (sz_policies[i]&0x00FF0000)>>16, (sz_policies[i]&0xFF000000)>>24); printf(":"); //source port if (sz_policies[i+1] == 0) printf("[all ports]"); else printf("%d",((sz_policies[i+1]&0xFF00)>>8|(sz_policies[i+1]&0x00FF)<<8)); printf(" to "); //des ip if (sz_policies[i+2] == 0) printf("[all ip]"); else printf("%d.%d.%d.%d",sz_policies[i+2]&0x000000FF,(sz_policies[i+2]&0x0000FF00)>>8, (sz_policies[i+2]&0x00FF0000)>>16, (sz_policies[i+2]&0xFF000000)>>24); printf(":"); //des port if (sz_policies[i+3] == 0) printf("[all ports]"); else printf("%d",((sz_policies[i+3]&0xFF00)>>8|(sz_policies[i+3]&0x00FF)<<8)); printf("\n"); } } void comments() { printf ("Example:\nminifw_console.o -a BLOCK -s -i 17664 -d -o 84 -p ALL\n"); printf("-a: action\n"); printf("-s: from ip\n"); printf("-i: from port\n"); printf("-d: destination ip\n"); printf("-o: destination port\n"); printf("-p: protocol\n"); printf("-l: display all policies\n"); printf("Notice: If you want to BLOCK/UNBLOCK all IP or all ports, please type 0\n"); } //minifw.o -a BLOCK -s -i 1111 -d -o 1111 -p ALL int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int protocalFlag = 0; int srcIpFlag = 0; int desIpFlag = 0; int srcPortFlag = 0; int desPortFlag = 0; int actionFlag = 0; int listFlag = 0; char *protocalVal = NULL; char *srcIpVal = NULL; char *desIpVal = NULL; char *srcPortVal = NULL; char *desPortVal = NULL; char *actionVal = NULL; //read from /proc FILE* f = fopen("/proc/minifw","r+"); if (f) { //fgets(sz_policies,MAX_ARR_COUNT+1,f); if (fread(sz_policies,sizeof(sz_policies),1,f) > 0) { policyCount = sz_policies[MAX_ARR_COUNT-1]; printf("Read policy ok! Policy count: %d\n",policyCount); } fclose(f); } else { printf("Open /proc/minifw/ failed\n"); return 0; } //read input int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "a:s:i:d:o:p:l")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': actionFlag = 1; actionVal = optarg; break; case 's': srcIpFlag = 1; srcIpVal = optarg; break; case 'i': srcPortFlag = 1; srcPortVal = optarg; break; case 'd': desIpFlag = 1; desIpVal = optarg; break; case 'o': desPortFlag = 1; desPortVal = optarg; break; case 'p': protocalFlag= 1; protocalVal = optarg; break; case 'l': listFlag = 1; displayPolicy(); break; case '?': default: comments(); return; } } if (!actionFlag && !srcIpFlag && !srcPortFlag && !desIpFlag && !desPortFlag && !protocalFlag) { if (!listFlag) { printf ("Format error!\n"); comments(); } return; } if (policyCount >= MAX_POLICY_COUNT) { printf ("Max policies already: %d\n",MAX_POLICY_COUNT); return 0; } //set policy value int srcIp,srcPort,desIp,desPort; srcIp = srcPort = desIp = desPort = 0; if (srcIpFlag) srcIp = inet_addr(srcIpVal); if (srcPortFlag) srcPort = htons(atoi(srcPortVal)); if (desIpFlag) desIp = inet_addr(desIpVal); if (desPortFlag) desPort = htons(atoi(desPortVal)); int protocal = P_ALLP; if (!strcmp(protocalVal,"UDP")) protocal = P_UDP; else if (!strcmp(protocalVal,"TCP")) protocal = P_TCP; else if (!strcmp(protocalVal,"ICMP")) protocal = P_ICMP; else if (!strcmp(protocalVal,"ALL")) protocal = P_ALLP; int action = ACTION_UNBLOCK;//unblock if (!strcmp(actionVal,"BLOCK")) action = ACTION_BLOCK; //check policy exists int exist = 0; int i = 0; for (; i/6 < policyCount ; i+=6) { if ( sz_policies[i] == srcIp && sz_policies[i+1] == srcPort && sz_policies[i+2] == desIp && sz_policies[i+3] == desPort && sz_policies[i+4] == protocal ) { //if ip and port are the same, only action not the same //just update the action, do not add into the policy //if action also the same, return if (sz_policies[i+5] == action) { exist = 1; printf("Policy already exists!\n"); return; } else { //update action sz_policies[i+5] = action; break; } } } //add policy if ( !exist) { sz_policies[policyCount*6] = srcIp; sz_policies[policyCount*6+1] = srcPort; sz_policies[policyCount*6+2] = desIp; sz_policies[policyCount*6+3] = desPort; sz_policies[policyCount*6+4] = protocal; sz_policies[policyCount*6+5] = action; policyCount++; sz_policies[MAX_ARR_COUNT-1] = policyCount; } //write /proc f = fopen("/proc/minifw","r+"); if (f) { fwrite(sz_policies,sizeof(sz_policies),1,f); fclose(f); printf("Policy add successfully!\n"); } else { printf("Open /proc/minifw/ failed\n"); } return 0; } [/c] 代码下载:assignment3_src